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Just married or engaged? You’re probably over the moon right now with love and affection!

Marriage is fun and wonderful, but it also takes work. And it takes intentionality to keep the fire going and keep your marriage on the right track.

Luckily, there are many amazing resources available to help you and your spouse to grow individually and together.

Keep reading to discover the ten best marriage books for Christians, so you can learn how to effectively talk to your spouse, improving your marriage on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

5 Love languages marriage book

The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman

The Five Love Languages is one of the foundational books on marriage. In the book, you’ll discover the five main ways that people long to receive love, and how you can express love to others, and your spouse. By discovering the ways your spouse feels most loved, appreciated, and known, you can start to communicate love in fresh, simple ways today. 

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meaning of marriage book

The Meaning of Marriage – Tim and Kathy Keller 

In The Meaning of Marriage, New York Time’s bestselling author, Timothy Keller, and his wife Kathy Keller provide a roadmap on what marriage was originally intended to be. He shares the Biblical framework of why marriage exists and what it should look like. If you are looking to build a marriage that lasts forever, is full of wonder, mystery, and contentment, then you need to understand God’s plan for a holy and lasting marriage.

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love and respect marriage book

Love and Respect – Emerson Eggerichs

Love and Respect is a book based on many years of counseling, scientific research, and in-depth biblical study to help couples understand what their spouse needs. And when you understand what they need, you can truly love them the way they long to be loved. When both partners are experiencing love the way they need it, the marriage can flourish, leading to closeness, intimacy, peace, and growth.

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sacred marriage book

Sacred Marriage – Gary Thomas

In Sacred Marriage, most couples realize for the first time that their marriage isn’t actually about them. It may come as a shock, but marriage is not about your personal happiness and contentment. Your marriage is actually about God, and the way he longs to relate to his people. Marriage is intended to drive people closer to God, helping us to better reflect Jesus to the world around us. The book provides insight into how marriage is a discipline that cultivates holiness in our lives. And this holiness leads to greater happiness and a stronger marriage.

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Marriage After God – Aaron and Jennifer Smith

What if God has purposed your marriage for something so much more than happily ever after? That’s the question that popular marriage authors Aaron and Jennifer Smith ask in the book Marriage After God. We appreciated the honest and authentic stories and their vision of doing life as a team. We read This book together separately and then came together to discuss everything from “our first ministry” to how is going to make our “marriage unique.” We highly encourage you to write our your questions/comments/observations and then take the time to discuss over coffee, the book is definitely worth diving into together.

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you and me forever marriage book

You and Me Forever- Francis Chan

In You and Me Forever, Francis Chan flips the idea of marriage on its head. The best-selling author, pastor, and church planter shows us that the best way to cultivate a healthy, thriving marriage is to not focus on marriage. As is often the case, the wisdom of Jesus seems upside down. When we focus on our marriage and striving to find fulfillment, we will be left empty. But when we devote ourselves to the purposes of God as a married couple, then we discover the true joy that the loving relationship of marriage provides.

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Loveology – John Mark Comer

John Mark Comer is writing for anyone who wants to learn and understand God’s design for marriage, relationships, sexuality, and singleness. In Loveology, Comer starts with a marriage and works backward as he talks about the most asked questions regarding relationships and sexuality. Comer is an approachable author who speaks with humanness and compassion to those who want to understand a real theology of marriage.

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intended for pleasure marriage book

Intended for Pleasure – Ed and Gaye Wheat

Intended for Pleasure is a sex manual that combines biblical teaching, medical information on sexuality and pleasure. The author encourages married couples to make their sexual relationship the fulfilling experience it was meant to be. With basic facts, illustrations of all facets of human sexuality in mind this easy-to-read reference book will help guide you through your journey into intimacy with one another

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mingling of souls

The Mingling of Souls – Matt Chandler

The Mingling of Souls is Matt Chandler deep dive into marriage through one of Scripture’s most valuable relationship guidebooks: Song of Solomon. The Song of Solomon offers strikingly candid—and timeless—insights on romance, dating, marriage, and sex. We need it. Because emotions rise and fall with a single glance, touch, kiss, or word. Chandler navigates these issues for both singles and marrieds by revealing the process Solomon himself followed: Attraction, Courtship, Marriage … even Arguing. 

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sheet music marriage book

Sheet Music – Dr. Kevin Leman

Sex and intimacy may seem like taboo topics, but author Kevin Leman wants you and your spouse to experience holy and blessed intimacy in your marriage. Sheet Music asks questions and provides answers about intimacy that is based on God’s design for marriage. This book is a practical guide for healthy, fulfilling, and intimate sex between a husband and a wife.

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Cultivate a Better Relationship With the Best Christian Marriage Books

With so many marriage book options available these days, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and never pick up a marriage book. But these ten should get you started on deepening your relationship with your partner and growing together.

Mike Worley

Mike Worley is passionate about helping couples live out the transforming power of Jesus Christ in everyday life. He and his wife, Holly, co-founded Spark Discipleship with one simple mission: help couples build thriving marriages as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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